Quick Start

In this part, we first show several simple example usages of YLearn. These examples cover the most common functionalities. Then we present a case study with Why to unveil the hidden causal relations in data.

Example usages

We present several necessary example usages of YLearn in this section, which covers defining a causal graph, identifying the causal effect, and training an estimator model, etc. Please see their specific documentations to for more details.

  1. Representation of causal graph

    Given a set of variables, the representation of its causal graph in YLearn requires a python dict to denote the causal relations of variables, in which the keys of the dict are children of all elements in the corresponding values which usually should be a list of names of variables. For an instance, in the simplest case, for a given causal graph \(X \leftarrow W \rightarrow Y\), we first define a python dict for the causal relations, which will then be passed to CausalGraph as a parameter:

    causation = {'X': ['W'], 'W':[], 'Y':['W']}
    cg = CausalGraph(causation=causation)

    cg will be the causal graph encoding the causal relation \(X \leftarrow W \rightarrow Y\) in YLearn. If there exist unobserved confounders in the causal graph, then, aside from the observed variables, we should also define a python list containing these causal relations. See Causal Graph for more details.

  2. Identification of causal effect

    It is crucial to identify the causal effect when we want to estimate it from data. The first step for identifying the causal effect is identifying the causal estimand. This can be easily done in YLearn. For an instance, suppose that we are interested in identifying the causal estimand \(P(Y|do(X=x))\) in the causal graph cg, then we should first define an instance of CausalModel and call the identify() method:

    cm = CausalModel(causal_graph=cg)
    cm.identify(treatment={'X'}, outcome={'Y'}, identify_method=('backdoor', 'simple'))

    where we use the backdoor-adjustment method here. YLearn also support front-door adjustment, finding instrumental variables, and, most importantly, the general identification method developed in [Pearl] which is able to identify any causal effect if it is identifiable.

  3. Estimation of causal effect

    The estimation of causal effects in YLearn is also fairly easy. It follows the common approach of deploying a machine learning model since YLearn focuses on the intersection of machine learning and causal inference in this part. Given a dataset, one can apply any EstimatorModel in YLearn with a procedure composed of 3 steps:

    • Given data in the form of pandas.DataFrame, find the names of treatment, outcome, adjustment, covariate.

    • Call fit() method of EstimatorModel to train the model.

    • Call estimate() method of EstimatorModel to estimate causal effects in test data.

    See Estimator Model: Estimating the Causal Effects for more details.

  4. Using the all-in-one API: Why

    For the purpose of applying YLearn in a unified and eaiser manner, YLearn provides the API Why. Why is an API which encapsulates almost everything in YLearn, such as identifying causal effects and scoring a trained estimator model. To use Why, one should first create an instance of Why which needs to be trained by calling its method fit(), after which other utilities, such as causal_effect(), score(), and whatif(), could be used. This procedure is illustrated in the following code example:

    from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing
    from ylearn import Why
    housing = fetch_california_housing(as_frame=True)
    data = housing.frame
    outcome = housing.target_names[0]
    data[outcome] = housing.target
    why = Why()
    why.fit(data, outcome, treatment=['AveBedrms', 'AveRooms'])